Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Amcrest: high quality, low prices

What makes a great security camera? Answers, of course, vary for each individual customer, but there is one part of it that stays unchanged. Great manufacturers make great security cameras. We are here to talk about one of the greatest manufacturer in the industry, which, indeed, produces huge amount of reliable, affordable and customizable security cameras. This manufacturer is Amcrest. There are so many aspects of Amcrest that is unique and deserves to be give credit that it is almost impossible to cover each one of them. This is why we are going to talk about some of their best cameras as an example of their greatness.

Generally, security cameras can be divided into two major categories: indoor and outdoor. Most of the standard functions of security cameras are present in both categories, but some features are more important to just one of them. Because of this, we are going to separately discuss Amcrest indoor and outdoor cameras and their standouts.

 What’s common for indoor and outdoor cameras? – some features are equally essential for both categories. Let’s take a look at some of the most notable features in Amcrest cameras.

· High resolution: there are older and newer generations of security cameras, but absolute majority of them have HD 1080p resolution. If you want to get even more detailed image, Amcrest has 1296p resolution cameras for you, too.

· Storage: nowadays, most of the cameras are internet based, which means that they have clod storage and fully rely on the internet connection. If the connection or signal is poor, storage might get lost, but on the other hand it offers bigger storage memory. Amcrest team members came up with the golden ratio and now their cameras have both, cloud and local storage. This means that you don’t have to worry about losing your footage and at the same time, you can be calm about the size of your recordings.

· Affordability:  Amcrest cameras are specifically made to affordable for everyone, because their team members think that security is equally important for everyone and should be available for each person. This manufacturer manages to balance high quality and low prices.

 Outdoor cameras:

· Night vision: all Amcrest outdoor cameras have built-in light and outstanding night vision. This feature is unique for outdoor cameras, because adjusting or creating light sources is more difficult in the outdoor setting, than inside the house.

· Weatherproof: weather is not a problem for indoor cameras, but it is not the same with outdoor cameras. They should be resistant to heat and cold, water and fog. This feature is what creates the strength of this manufacturer.

 Indoor cameras:

· Mobility: most of the time, outdoor cameras are installed on the wall or ceiling. As for indoor cameras, you want to move them around more, to cover different areas of the house without having to purchase a new camera. In this day and age, most of the security cameras are wireless and therefore, easy to move
Source:- Click Here


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